aXPanner just got better! Version 1.4.0 is a free update to all users. You can download the update from the Download page or your account.
What’s new in this update?
- You can now customise the background colour of the overlay panner. You can pick from transparent to completely opaque. Picking an opaque colour makes more sense when using the next new feature…
- You can change the overlay panner view to top-down view, just like the panner on the main UI. This lets you control all the sources in your scene in one window. Great for everyone who prefers top-down view to equirectangular view!
To user these controls, right-click on the overlay panner button on the bottom left of the UI. You will see a pop-up that lets you control the new features. Easy.

Version 1.4.0 also fixes a bug in certain DAWs (Cubase/Nuendo) where panning positions would sometimes be reset upon project start-up.
I hope you enjoy the new update.
Happy panning!