Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I download my plugins?
You can download plugins you have purchased from the Downloads section your Account page here. You can also download all most up to date versions of plugins from the Downloads page.
How do I activate/deactivate my plugin(s)?
For instructions on how to activate or deactivate your plugin(s) please go to this page.
I bought my plugin(s) from another website. What do I need to do?
You can use the serial number from your purchase to activate your plugins directly from the plugin itself. There is no need to make an account on this website. If you want to register your purchase on this website, that’s absolutely possible. For more instructions on plugin activation and registration go to this page.
I bought the a7 plugins a while ago. Where are they?
The a7 plugins are the old versions of the aX plugins. I added support for 10th order Ambisonics so it made sense to change the name. Simply download the newest aX version from your account to get access to even higher ambisonic orders. If your DAW does not support orders greater than 7 then you’ll still have access to everything you had before.
Do you support macOS Catalina?
Yes, I have released an update (mid January 2020) that now includes an installer for macOS that has been signed and notarized in order to install on Catalina. If you have any problems getting the plugins to run on Catalina then please get in touch (below).
Do you offer discounts if I want to upgrade to a higher order version of a plugin I have purchase?
Yes! If you have purchased an a1 or a3 plugin then I will deduct the price have already paid (excluding VAT) from your purchase of a higher order plugin. This way, you can upgrade later without having to pay twice for similarly functioning plugins. Get in touch and I will send you your discount code.
Do you have demo versions I can try before buying?
Of course! In fact, I strongly recommend you try the demo versions before purchasing to ensure that your DAW has appropriate channel/routing structures for an Ambisonics workflow.
The demo plugins give you a 15 day free trial and are available for download here.
I’m new to Ambisonics. Do you have anything I can read?
Sure, I have written some articles and blog posts that will help you get going.
- Five Things You Should Know About Ambisonics
- Tutorial: Getting Started With Ambisonics
- What is Ambisonics?
- Why Use Seventh Order Ambisonics?
And if you still have questions, get in touch and I will be happy to answer them.
What Ambisonic order do I need?
Each plugin comes in one of three variations – first-order (a1), up to third-order (a3) and up to tenth-order (aX). Which one is most appropriate for you will depend on the kinds of signals you are using. You can read in more detail here. If you are still not sure what order is best for you or your project, feel free to get in touch and I will guide you to the solution that meets your needs.
How can I get in touch with you?
You can leave me a message in this form and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. I aim to write back within 24-48 hours during the working week (Monday to Friday). I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Please be sure to add ssa-plugins.com to your email whitelist to ensure you receive the response.
You can also join the SSA Plugins Discord server to ask questions, request new features or report bugs: