aXMeter – Ambisonic Meter Plugin
aXMeter is an Ambisonic meter plugin that shows the RMS and peak levels of all the Ambisonic channels, up to tenth-order (121 channels). The channels for each order are grouped together for easy inspection.
By default, aXMeter shows the channel levels up to third-order. If the input signal is of higher order, the plugin window will expand to reveal the gains for the higher order channels, keeping screen real-estate free when working with lower order.
The aXMeter is ideal for checking signal levels between encoding with the aXPanner and decoding with the aXMonitor.
AAX • VST3 | Mac • Windows

Meter Style Selection
Select from either peak + RMS level display or peak-only, depending on what you prefer. You can also adjust the colour scheme so that the bars show up as either green-yellow-red gradients or just a single blue bar.

Compact View Mode
Very high ambisonic order have a lot of channels so take a lot of space. The compact view saves space on your screen when working with these high orders while maintaining convenient channel grouping.

Automatic UI Resizing
aXMeter’s UI will expand or shrink automatically depending on the order of the input signal. This way you don’t see a lot of empty meter channels when you are working with lower orders, saving space on your screen.
• Compact View – Higher-order Ambisonics has a lot of channels. To save your precious screen real-estate, aXMeter has a compact view that is ideal for at-a-glance metering at very high orders.
• Numbering Convention – choose between Ambisonic Channel Number (ACN) convention, starting at 0 for the first channel, or ACN + 1, starting at 1.
• Dynamic Range – Set the minimum value of the meter between -6 dB and -90 dB.
• Peak Decay Speed – control how quickly the peak marker decays to zero.

Meter High Resolution Tenth-Order Ambisonics
aXMeter lets you monitor up to tenth-order Ambisonics, letting you work with the highest spatial resolution currently available*.
* Currently only possible in Reaper 7+ which allows for tracks with up to 128 channels. Other DAWs are limited to seventh-order (Pro Tools Ultimate) or third-order (e.g. Cubase).
Input/Output formats
Input: Any multichannel signal
Output: The same as the input, unprocessed

Formats and Requirements
• Plugin formats: AAX and VST3
• Mac: Intel or Apple Silicon (Universal Binary), 4GB RAM, macOS 10.13 or later
• Windows: 64bit, 4GB RAM, Windows 10 or later
All plugin formats require a host with an internal routing that supports the required number of channels for Ambisonics to function. Please check that your usual DAW can handle Ambisonics. If it cannot then you should consider using Reaper.
Tenth order Ambisonics requires a massive 121 channels for each track! As of January 2024 only Reaper can handle this so please download the demo version to test if your DAW and workflow is compatible with this product!