aXDeesser – Ambisonic De-Esser Plugin
aXDeesser is an ambisonic de-essing plugin that can be used on any AmbiX-format (SN3D/ACN) Ambisonic signal.
It works like a traditional de-esser but the sibilance band compression can be side-chained by pointing a virtual microphone to any point in your immersive scene.
aXDeesser also allows you to select the direction you want to focus on for activating the de-essing effect, so the compression will only be activated when level of the signal picked up by the virtual mic is above the threshold.
AAX • VST3 | Mac • Windows

Virtual Mic Side-Chain
Drive the de-esser’s compressor with the signal of a virtual microphone pointed wherever you need in your immersive scene. Set the directivity of the microphone for full control of the side-chain.

Flexible Control
aXDeesser gives you full control of the compression settings. Dial in just the right amount of gain reduction to control sibilance with bandwidth and frequency controls.

Ambisonic Order Detection
Processing automatically matches the order of the input signal to optimise CPU usage when working with lower order signals. No need to manually select your ambisonic order.
• Frequency: The centre frequency of the band to be compressed. This should be centred on the portion of the spectrum in which you want to reduce sibilance.
• Bandwidth: The bandwidth, in octaves, of the band you wish to compress.
• Threshold: Set the level threshold at which the compressor begins to act on the defined sibilance band.
• Ratio: Adjust how much compression is applied to signal above the threshold. A ratio of 1 means no compression while higher ratios lead to stronger compression of the sibilance band.
• Attack: The time in milliseconds (ms) for the compressor to become fully effect once a signal goes above the threshold.
• Release: The time in milliseconds (ms) for the compressor to fully switch off once a signal goes below the threshold.
• Monitor Sibilance Band: You can solo the sibilance band in order to asses the effect of the compression.
• Monitor Sibilance Band: You can solo the sibilance band in order to asses the effect of the compression.
• Azimuth: The azimuthal direction you want the virtual microphone to point.
• Elevation: The elevation direction you want the virtual microphone to point.
• Focus: The focus controls the directivity of the virtual microphone that is used to drive the de-esser. The maximum focus is controlled by the ambisonic order of the input signal.

Process High Resolution Tenth-Order Ambisonics
aXDeesser can process any order up to tenth-order Ambisonics, letting you work with the highest spatial resolution currently available*.
* Currently only possible in Reaper 7+ which allows for tracks with up to 128 channels. Other DAWs are limited to seventh-order (Pro Tools Ultimate) or third-order (e.g. Cubase).
Input/Output formats
Input: AmbiX (ACN/SN3D) format Ambisonics
Output: AmbiX (ACN/SN3D) format Ambisonics

Formats and Requirements
• Plugin formats: AAX and VST3
• Mac: Intel or Apple Silicon (Universal Binary), 4GB RAM, macOS 10.13 or later
• Windows: 64bit, 4GB RAM, Windows 10 or later
All plugin formats require a host with an internal routing that supports the required number of channels for Ambisonics to function. Please check that your usual DAW can handle Ambisonics. If it cannot then you should consider using Reaper.
Tenth order Ambisonics requires a massive 121 channels for each track! As of January 2024 only Reaper can handle this so please download the demo version to test if your DAW and workflow is compatible with this product!
Buy aXDeesser Ambisonic De-esser
If you don’t need the full power of tenth-order Ambisonics then you can purchase versions limited to first- or third-order.
Don’t worry if you think you might want to upgrade later. Our Upgrade Policy means you’ll never spend more than you would have if you had bought the update in the first place.